SOOE-BS-L-PNLK-T (8075670) diffuse sensor

Numer artykułu:


199,63 € z VAT
De­sign Block struc­tu­re
Com­plies to stan­dard EN 60947-​5-2
Per­mis­sion c UL us - Li­sted (OL),
RCM Mark
CE cer­ti­fi­ca­te (see dec­la­ra­tion of con­for­mi­ty) acc. to EU-​EMV Di­rec­ti­ve,
acc. to EU-​RoHS Di­rec­ti­ve
Cer­ti­fied awar­ding point UL E232949
Ma­te­rial in­for­ma­tion LABS con­ta­ining ma­te­rials in­c­lu­ded,
RoHs com­pliant
Me­asu­re­ment prin­ci­ple Opto­elec­tro­nic
De­tek­tion­sver­fah­ren Diffuse-​reflective pho­to­elec­tric sen­sor with hid­den back­gro­und
Light type Laser,
Max. light spot 1 mm bei Ta­stwe­ite 200 mm
Range [mm] 7 bis 300
am­bient tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -40 to 60
Re­fe­ren­ce ma­te­rial Stan­dar­dweiß 90%, 100x100 mm
Con­trol out­put Ge­gen­takt
Swit­ching ele­ment func­tion umschalt­bar,
NPN dun­kel­schal­tend,
PNP hel­l­schal­tend
Hy­ste­re­sis [mm] 18
Max. swit­ching frequency [Hz] 1650
Max. out­put cur­rent [mA] 100
Vol­ta­ge drop [V] 0 to 1.5
Timer func­tion über IO-​Link
Short cir­cu­it re­si­stan­ce Cyc­ling
Re­port IO-​Link
IO-​Link, re­port De­vi­ce V 1.1
IO-​Link, com­mu­ni­ca­tion mode COM2 (38.4 kBaud)
IO-​Link, SIO mode sup­port yes
IO-​Link, port type A
IO-​Link, pro­cess data width OUT 2 bit
IO-​Link, pro­cess data con­tents OUT 1 bit (Emit­ter di­sa­ble),
1 bit (Hold)
IO-​Link, pro­cess data width IN 1 bit
IO-​Link, pro­cess data con­tents IN 1 bit SSC (Swit­ching Si­gnal)
IO-​Link, mi­ni­mum cycle time 2,3 ms
IO-​Link, data me­mo­ry ne­eded [Byte] 2.000
Ope­ra­ting vol­ta­ge range DC [V] 10 to 30
re­si­du­al rip­ple 10 %
Empty run cur­rent [mA] 25
Re­ver­se po­la­ri­ty pro­tec­tion for all elec­tri­cal con­nec­tions
Elec­tri­cal con­nec­tion 1, con­nec­tion type Plug
Elec­tri­cal con­nec­tion 1, con­nec­tion tech­no­lo­gy M8x1 A coded to EN 61076-​2-104
Elec­tri­cal con­nec­tion 1, num­ber of pins / wires 3
Elec­tri­cal con­nec­tion 1, fa­ste­ning type Screw lock
Plug con­tacts ma­te­rial brass, Gold pla­ted
Fa­ste­ning type With Thro­ugh­way bore for screws M3
Torque [Nm] 0,8
in­stal­la­tion po­si­tion ar­bi­tra­ry
Ho­using ma­te­rial PC,
Operation-​readiness di­splay LED green
Swit­ching sta­tus in­di­ca­tor LED yel­low
Set­ting options IO-​Link,
Set­tings range lower limit [mm] 25
Set­tings range upp­per limit [mm] 300
Pro­tec­tion ca­te­go­ry IP65,
In­su­la­tion vol­ta­ge [V] 500
Surge vol­ta­ge strength [kV] 1
Cor­ro­sion re­si­stant class KBK 1 - low cor­ro­sion stress
De­gree of con­ta­mi­na­tion 3
Mi­ni­mum ob­ject dia­me­ter [mm] 2
Max. Schwarz-​Weiß-​Differenz [%] 45
IO-​Link, pro­fi­le Smart sen­sor pro­fi­le
IO-​Link, func­tion clas­ses Teach chan­nel,
Pro­zess Daten Va­ria­ble (PDV),
Schalt-​Signal Kanal (SSC)
Laser pro­tec­tion class 1
Więcej informacji OT-FESTO081484
Ciężar 22 g / Szt.
GTIN 4052568446420
Numer towaru podlegającego ocleniu 85365019
Producent Festo

Podawane informacje są niezobowiązującymi danymi orientacyjnymi! Nie ponosimy odpowiedzialności za dane wybrane bez pisemnego potwierdzenia. Dane ciśnienia dotyczą, o ile nie podano inaczej, płynów z grupy II w temperaturze +20°C.
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