EGSC-BS-KF-45-125-10P (8048303) mini slide

Št. Izdelka:


742,16 € z DDV
Wor­king stro­ke [mm] 125
size 45
Stro­ke re­ser­ve [mm] 0
Re­ver­sing play [µm] 150
Sp­in­dle di­a­me­ter [mm] 10
Sp­in­dle pitch [mm/U] 10
in­stal­la­ti­on po­si­ti­on ar­bi­trary
Guide ball guide
Con­struc­ti­on set up Elec­tri­cal mini-​carriages,
with ball screw drive
Motor type Step motor,
Servo motor
Re­fe­ren­cing Fixed sto­pper block ne­ga­ti­ve,
Fixed sto­pper block po­si­ti­ve,
Re­fe­ren­ce switch
Sp­in­dle type Ball screw drive
Po­si­ti­on de­tec­ti­on For pro­xi­mi­ty switch
Max. acce­le­ra­ti­on [m/s²] 15
Max. speed [m/s] 0,6
Re­pe­a­ta­bi­li­ty ±0.015 mm
Power-​on time 100 %
Cor­ro­si­on re­si­s­tant class KBK 0 - No cor­ro­si­on stres­sing
Sound pres­su­re level [dB(A)] 50
Pro­tec­ti­on ca­te­go­ry IP40
am­bi­ent tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] 0 to 50
Dyna­mic load fac­tor fixed be­a­ring [N] 7.413
Dyna­mic load fac­tor li­ne­ar guide [N] 3.240
Dyna­mic load fac­tor ball screw drive [N] 3.200
Max. torque Mx [Nm] 8,14
Max. torque My [Nm] 7,05
Max. torque Mz [Nm] 7,05
Max. ra­di­al force on drive shaft [N] 340
Max. feed force Fx [N] 120
Gu­i­de­li­ne pay­lo­ad, ho­ri­zon­tal [KGM] 6
Gu­i­de­li­ne pay­lo­ad, ver­ti­cal [KGM] 6
Sta­tic load fac­tor ball screw drive [N] 5.900
Sta­tic load fac­tor li­ne­ar guide [N] 5.630
Mass iner­tia JH per metre stro­ke [kg/cm²] 0,13609
Mass iner­tia JL per kg usa­ble load [kg/cm²] 0,02533
Mass iner­tia JO [kg/cm²] 0,01363
Feed con­stant [mm/U] 10
Sta­tic load fac­tor fixed be­a­ring [N] 3.966
Gu­i­de­li­ne run­ning per­for­man­ce [km] 5.000
Ma­in­te­nan­ce in­ter­val Li­fe­ti­me lu­bri­ca­ti­on
Mo­ving mass at 0 mm stro­ke [g] 212
Wei­ght su­pple­ment per 10 mm stro­ke [g] 63
Base wei­ght at 0 mm stro­ke [g] 608
Su­pple­ment moved mass per 10 mm stro­ke [g] 30
Fa­ste­ning type with fe­ma­le thre­ads,
with cen­tring slee­ve,
with acces­so­ri­es,
with cy­lin­der pin
In­ter­fa­ce code ac­tu­a­tor V32
Ma­te­ri­al in­for­ma­ti­on LABS con­ta­in­ing ma­te­ri­als in­clu­ded,
RoHs com­pli­ant
Car­ri­a­ge guide ma­te­ri­al Rol­ler be­a­ring steel
Guide car­ri­a­ge ma­te­ri­al Rol­ler be­a­ring steel
Ho­u­sing ma­te­ri­al Alu­mi­ni­um wro­u­ght alloy, ano­di­s­ed
Joch plate ma­te­ri­al Alu­mi­ni­um wro­u­ght alloy, ano­di­s­ed
Pi­ston rod ma­te­ri­al High-​alloyed sta­in­less ste­els
Car­ri­a­ge ma­te­ri­al Alu­mi­ni­um wro­u­ght alloy, ano­di­s­ed
Sp­in­dle nut ma­te­ri­al Rol­ler be­a­ring steel
Sp­in­dle ma­te­ri­al Rol­ler be­a­ring steel
Dodatne informacije o OT-FESTO072635
Teža 1,4 kg / Kos
GTIN 4052568295004
Številka carinskega blaga 84799070
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