22,57 € z DDV
Opis artikla
Body and sleeve: polypropylene, threaded part: polypropylene or stainless steel 1.4301, cartridge: stainless steel 1.4301, seals: EPDM with PTFE coating (cylindrical thread with locular EPDM O-ring), holding claws: stainless steel 1.4310, plastics and seals used have FDA approval

Temperature range:
-20 do +80 °C

Operating pressure:
-0.95 to 9 bar (up to max. +20°C), 30°C: 6 bar, 40°C: 5 bar, 50°C: 4 bar, 60°C: 3.4 bar, 80°C: 3 bar. No pressure reductions for types IQSG ... PP ES, IQSF ... PP ES & IQSS ... PP ES.

Unoiled compressed air, water (also demineralised), harmless gases and liquids (no mineral oils)

Due to the mechanical properties of the material polypropylene, the push in fittings should not be exposed to any increased mechanical loads. Return of opened packaging is excluded.

•Easier to use and more economical than push-in fittings made of stainless steel,
•resistant to hydrolysis,
•cleaned, assembled and individually packaged in clean room (US FED 209D, class 10000 - ISO 14664-1 class 7),
•manufactured without oil and silicone,
•threaded pieces made of polypropylene or stainless steel,
•transparent body makes it possible to see the medium inside the connection,
•the plastics and seals used are FDA approved
Iz­ved­ba Ner­jav­no jeklo, navoj
R R 1/8"
D 8
Dodatne informacije o IQSL188PPES
Teža 15 g / Kos
GTIN 4050571832971
Številka carinskega blaga 74122000
Skladno z RoHS Da
Proizvajalec Sang-A
*High temperature fluctuations may cause leaks due to the high expansion coefficient of polypropylene. We recommend sealing with Loctite sealing thread 55.

Vse navedbe podatkov so nezavezujoče orientacijske vrednosti! Za izbiro podatkov, za katere ne izdamo pisnega potrdila, ne prevzemamo jamstev. Navedbe tlaka, v kolikor ni navedeno drugače, se nanašajo na tekočine skupine II. pri +20°C.
Takoj dobavljivo
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