MSN1G-24DC-OD (123060) solenoid coil

Št. Izdelka:


19,36 € z DDV
in­stal­la­ti­on po­si­ti­on ar­bi­trary
Min. ti­gh­te­ning time [ms] 10
Power-​on time 100 %
Coil cha­rac­te­ri­stic value 24 V DC: 2,5 W
Per­mit­ted vol­ta­ge oscil­la­ti­ons -15 % / +10 %
Per­mis­si­on c UL us - Re­co­gni­zed (OL)
Me­di­um tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -10 to 50
Pro­tec­ti­on ca­te­go­ry IP65
am­bi­ent tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -10 to 50
Elec­tri­cal con­nec­ti­on 3-pin,
Wi­ring di­a­gram Form A acc. to EN 175301-​803,
acc. to DIN EN 175301-​803
Fa­ste­ning type clam­ped,
With Acces­so­ri­es,
With Hol­ding clamp
Ma­te­ri­al in­for­ma­ti­on Co­pper and PTFE-​free
Ho­u­sing ma­te­ri­al PA
Plug con­tacts ma­te­ri­al Steel
Win­ding ma­te­ri­al Co­pper
Dodatne informacije o OT-FESTO009798
Teža 85 g / Kos
GTIN 4052568006280
Številka carinskega blaga 85059029
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