360-degree view: OKS 451-400ML - OKS 450/451 - chain and adhesive lubricant, 400 ml doza s sprejem
Zgleden uprizoritev: OKS chain and adhesive lubricant (spray can)
Field of application: chains
Field of application: levers
Field of application: hinges
Field of application: sliding guides
Field of application: wire cables
Field of application: pivot bearings
Field of application: seals
Field of application: splined shafts
Property: weather resistant
Property: water resistant
Property: high temperatures
Property: corrosion protection
360-degree view: OKS 451-400ML - OKS 450/451 - chain and adhesive lubricant, 400 ml doza s sprejem
27,61 €
(69,03 € na l)
Takoj dobavljivo
Opis artikla
Temperature range: -30 do +200 °C
Operating range: For fast running chains and other machine components that are exposed to high pressures or corrosive effects.
Properties: Extremely high lubricating ability, extremely adhesive, resistant to being thrown-off, excellent wear protection, water resistant, for lubricating flexible drives.
Vse navedbe podatkov so nezavezujoče orientacijske vrednosti! Za izbiro podatkov, za katere ne izdamo pisnega potrdila, ne prevzemamo jamstev. Navedbe tlaka, v kolikor ni navedeno drugače, se nanašajo na tekočine skupine II. pri +20°C.