10 HM burrs in stable industrial magazines, 6 mm shaft:1 piece each. Ø 10 & 12 mm, ZYA - shape A - c
Item number:
Example illustration
Item description
High-quality carbide burrs with cross serration (KVZ 4) for deburring, contour machining, weld seam machining, surface finishing, fettling of high-alloy, rust-, acid- and heat-resistant steels, cast iron and plastics. Recommended cutting speed 300 m/min
Recommended cutting speed (V):
Steel, stainless steel & hard non-ferrous metals: 250 - 350 m/min, soft non-ferrous metals & cast iron: 600 - 900 m/min, plastics: 500 - 1100 m/min (rule of thumb: revolutions = V x 318 / head diameter)
De­scrip­tion 10 HM burrs in sta­ble in­dus­trial mag­a­zines, 6 mm shaft:
1 piece each. Ø 10 & 12 mm, ZYA - shape A - cylin­der with­out spur teething ring
1 piece each. Ø 10 & 12 mm, WRC - shape C - cylin­dri­cal round nose / ball cylin­der
1 piece. Ø 12 mm, KUD - shape D - ball
1 piece each. Ø 10 & 12 mm, RBF - shape F - round elbow
1 piece each. Ø 10 & 12 mm, SPG - shape G - pointed arch / bul­let
1 piece. Ø 12 mm, SKM - shape M - pointed cone
con­tains cut­ter pin FS ZYA 10X20
con­tains cut­ter pin FS ZYA 12X25
con­tains cut­ter pin FS WRC 10X20
con­tains cut­ter pin FS WRC 12X25
con­tains cut­ter pin FS KUD 12X11
con­tains cut­ter pin FS RBF 10X20
con­tains cut­ter pin FS RBF 12X25
con­tains cut­ter pin FS SPG 10X20
con­tains cut­ter pin FS SPG 12X25
con­tains cut­ter pin FS SKM 12X25
Further information:
Weight 460 g / pcs
GTIN 4050571309732
Customs duty number 82077037
Landefeld Druckluft und Hydraulik GmbH · Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1 · 34123 Kassel · Germany
All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.
As of: 26.03.2025