SIM-M12-3WD-2,5-PSL-PU (159432) connecting cable
Item number:
Example illustration
Com­plies to stan­dard EN 61076-​2-101,
EN 61984
Elec­tri­cal con­nec­tion M12x1 / -,
5-pin / 3-​wire,
An­gled socket / Open end
Op­er­at­ing volt­age range DC [V] 10 to 30
Cur­rent car­ry­ing ca­pac­ity at 40°C [A] 4,0
Surge volt­age strength [kV] 0,8
Cable length [MTR] 2,5
Line prop­er­ties Stan­dard
Test con­di­tions line Bend­ing ra­dius strength to Festo stan­dard,
Cable track: 5 mil­lion cy­cles, bend­ing ra­dius 75 mm,
Test con­di­tions on re­quest
Cable di­am­e­ter [mm] 3,8
Cable set up 3x0,25
Con­duc­tor - nom­i­nal cross-​section [mm²] 0,25
Colour code wire in­su­la­tion blue,
Pro­tec­tion cat­e­gory IP65,
am­bi­ent tem­per­a­ture [°C] -25 to 80
Am­bi­ent tem­per­a­ture for mov­ing cable place­ments [°C] -5 to 80
CE cer­tifi­cate (see de­c­la­ra­tion of con­for­mity) nach EU-​RoHS-RL
Ma­te­r­ial in­for­ma­tion Halo­gen­frei,
RoHS kon­form,
phos­phorsäure­ester frei
De­gree of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion 3
Cor­ro­sion re­sis­tant class KBK 2 - mod­er­ate cor­ro­sion stress
Cable sleeve ma­te­r­ial TPE-U(PU)
Cable shield colour Grey
Hous­ing ma­te­r­ial TPE-U(PU)
Hous­ing colour black
Lock­ing nut ma­te­r­ial brass,
Seals ma­te­r­ial NBR
Plug con­tacts ma­te­r­ial brass, Gold plated
In­su­la­tion sleeve ma­te­r­ial PP
Operation-​readiness dis­play LED green
Switch­ing sta­tus in­di­ca­tor LED yel­low
Plug cod­ing A
Further information:
Weight 75 g / pcs
GTIN 4052568071592
Customs duty number 85444290
Manufacturer Festo
Landefeld Druckluft und Hydraulik GmbH · Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1 · 34123 Kassel · Germany
All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.
As of: 27.03.2025