MN1H-2-1-MS (161732) solenoid valve
Eksempel på visning
Con­struction set up di­ap­hragm valve
Actu­a­tion type Electri­cal
Se­a­ling prin­cip­le Soft
in­stal­la­tion po­si­tion ar­bi­trary
Fa­ste­ning type pipe in­stal­la­tion
Fit­ting con­nection G1
Electri­cal con­nection Wi­ring di­a­gram Form A acc. to EN 175301-​803,
acc. to DIN EN 175301-​803,
Squa­re shape
No­mi­nal width [mm] 25
Valve fun­ction 2/2 clo­sed mo­nostab­le
Hand as­sist actu­a­tion With Ac­ces­so­ri­es rat­che­ting,
Flow di­rection Not re­ver­sib­le
me­di­um Fil­te­red com­pres­sed air, fil­ter po­r­o­si­ty 200 µm
Exhaust fun­ction Can­not be thrott­led
Coil cha­ra­cte­ri­stic value 110 V AC: 50 Hz, pull-​in power 5 VA, hol­ding power 3.7 VA,
110 V AC: 60 Hz, pull-​in power 5 VA, hol­ding power 3.7 VA,
230 V AC: 50 Hz, pull-​in power 5 VA, hol­ding power 3.7 VA,
230 V AC: 60 Hz, pull-​in power 5 VA, hol­ding power 3.7 VA,
24 V DC: 2,5 W
Reset mode Pne­u­ma­tic spring
Con­trol type pilot ope­ra­ted
Me­di­um pres­su­re [bar] 0.5 to 10
In­for­ma­tion about ope­rat­ing and con­trol me­di­um Oiled ope­ra­tion po­s­sib­le (requi­red in furt­her ope­ra­tions)
Me­di­um tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -10 to 60
am­bi­ent tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -10 to 60
Nor­mal no­mi­nal flow [l/min] 11.500
Shif­ting time on [ms] 120
Shif­ting time off [ms] 180
Hou­sing ma­te­ri­al Brass
Screws ma­te­ri­al High-​alloyed stain­less ste­els
Ma­te­ri­al num­ber screw 1.4301
Pro­tection ca­te­gory IP65,
With So­ck­et
Yderligere oplysninger:
Vægt 1,2 kg / styk
GTIN 4052568129255
Toldvarenummer 84812090
Producent Festo
Landefeld Druckluft und Hydraulik GmbH · Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1 · 34123 Kassel · Tyskland
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Status: 27.03.2025