Item group

Bottle pressure reducer, DIN EN ISO 2503 (DIN EN 585) (will be discontinued)


Bottle pressure reducer in hot-pressed brass design with pressure gauge for bottle content and working pressure. Oxygen pressure reducer is BAM tested.

Temperature range:

-20 to +60 °C

Pressure gauge connection:

2x G 1/4" (DRFDM ARGON FM & DRFDM FORM FM: 1x G 1/4")

Scope of delivery:

Pressure reducer including shut-off valve and pressure gauge / flow meter
*with flowmeter, **outlet: Threaded connection piece for cutting ring connection 12 L without shut-off valve


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Bottle pressure reducer, DIN EN ISO 2503 (DIN EN 585) (will be discontinued):
4 of 4 articles
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All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.
Payment options:

Cash on delivery
