Exemplary representation: OKS Multi oil (spray can)
Exemplary representation: OKS Multi oil (canister)
Exemplary representation: OKS product range
Field of application: slide bearings
Field of application: chains
Field of application: pivot bearings
Field of application: levers
Field of application: linear guidance systems
Field of application: hinges
Field of application: wire cables
Property: weather resistant
Property: corrosion protection
Property: water resistant
Property: long-lasting effect
Exemplary representation: OKS Multi oil (spray can)
Temperature range:
-30°C to max. +60°C (after vaporising the solvent, up to max. +150°C)
Operating range:
Low-viscosity multi-oil for industrial maintenance and in the workshop area.
Extremely high lubricating ability, disassembly of rusted parts, good lubricating properties, moisture displacing, cleaning and care of metal surfaces, protection of electrical contacts
All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.