Skupina artiklov

CEJN varnostne prikljucnice s prekrivno matico (Stream-Line), NW 7,2


Body: zinc-plated steel, zinc-plated brass, seal: NBR

Temperature range:

-20 do +80 °C

Operating pressure:

0 do 16 bar


2250 l/min (input pressure 6 bar, max. pressure drop 0,5 bar)


The coupling occurs as for standard couplings, by inserting the push in nipple into the coupling socket. The decoupling occurs by pushing the unlocking sleeve back. The coupling socket then closes and ventilates the coupling plug when this is still held in the coupling socket. The coupling socket only releases the plug when the residual pressure on the plug side has fallen below a pressure of approx. 0,3 bar. As such, the dangerous recoil effect will be reliably (depending on the pressure present on the plug side) prevented.


Only use coupling plugs made of hardened steel!

Compatible with**:

Rectus (25, 26, 1600, 1625), TEMA (1600), CEJN (320), JWL (520, 530, 560), Legris (25, 26), Parker (PE, PEF), Prevost (E ... 07), Festo (KD4 / KS4 / NPHS), IMI-Norgren (238), Aventics (CP1-NW 7 / 7.8) and many other German brands


These couplings are specially designed for CEJN Stream-Line hoses!
*6 bar input pressure, 0,5 bar pressure difference
**Names and designations are partly trademarks of the manufacturers entered.


Več informacij Manj podatkov
CEJN varnostne prikljucnice s prekrivno matico (Stream-Line), NW 7,2:
5 od 5 izdelkov
51,03 € z DDV
Takoj dobavljivo
51,03 € z DDV
Takoj dobavljivo
51,03 € z DDV
Takoj dobavljivo
Takoj dobavljivo
55,58 € z DDV
Takoj dobavljivo
Vse navedbe podatkov so nezavezujoče orientacijske vrednosti! Za izbiro podatkov, za katere ne izdamo pisnega potrdila, ne prevzemamo jamstev. Navedbe tlaka, v kolikor ni navedeno drugače, se nanašajo na tekočine skupine II. pri +20°C.
Možnosti plačila:

Po povzetju


Odprema ob vikendih

Preprosto naročite za vikend do nedelje ob 15. uri (ali če je v ponedeljek praznik do ponedeljka ob 15. uri) in prejmite blago v Nemčiji prek GLS-a naslednji delovni dan pred 12. uro (stroški: 5%, min. 30,00 &euro).