Skupina artiklov

Prikljucnica z blokado proti nenamernemu izklopu, NW 7,2


Body: brass, nickel-plated brass, hardened steel or stainless steel 1.4305, seal: NBR (stainless steel: FKM)

Temperature range:

-20°C to max. +100°C (stainless steel: -15°C to max. +200°C, plastic sleeve max. +80°C)

Operating pressure:

-0,95 do 35 bar


Standard: 1100 l/min, ball lock: 1850 l/min, ball lock & plastic sleeve: 2100 l/min (each coupling in conjunction with blocking coupling plug -BA: 800 l/min)


Coupling plugs with valve for double-sided shut off (-BA) can only be used with the special coupling sockets (-BA) provided for them.

Compatible with**:

Rectus (25, 26, 1600, 1625), TEMA (1600), CEJN (320), JWL (520, 530, 560), Legris (25, 26), Parker (PE, PEF), Prevost (E ... 07), Festo (KD4 / KS4 / NPHS), IMI-Norgren (238), Aventics (CP1-NW 7 / 7.8) and many other German brands


By turning the sliding sleeve by 180° and accidental loosening of the coupling is prevented. Only when the recess of the sleeve is in front of the locking pin can the coupling be unlocked.
***6 bar input pressure, 0,5 bar pressure difference
**Names and designations are partly trademarks of the manufacturers entered.


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Prikljucnica z blokado proti nenamernemu izklopu, NW 7,2:
2 od 2 izdelkov
19,91 € z DDV
Takoj dobavljivo
Takoj dobavljivo
Vse navedbe podatkov so nezavezujoče orientacijske vrednosti! Za izbiro podatkov, za katere ne izdamo pisnega potrdila, ne prevzemamo jamstev. Navedbe tlaka, v kolikor ni navedeno drugače, se nanašajo na tekočine skupine II. pri +20°C.
Možnosti plačila:

Po povzetju


Popoldanska naročila
še 69 Min.

Če naročite prek spleta od ponedeljka do četrtka od 16:30 - 21:00 ali v petek od 16:30 - 18:00, pošljemo vaše naročilo po želji še isti dan z GLS (stroški: 5%, min. 10,00 €).