Skupina artiklov

Sistemi osnovnih plošc, za serijo KM


Modular valve base plate system for mixed assembly of valves from the model series KM 09 and KM 10 in switching function 5/2 and 5/3-way. The number of stations is arbitrary. For large numbers of stations the supply and exhaust air supply should be borne in mind. Subsequent expansion or reduction is possible at any time. The valves mounted in the RF 19 system can also be used as single valves since all the connections are threaded. For base plate assembly the pressure connection 1 and the vents 3 and 5 are common for all valves on the front of the connection plates (G 3/8").

Feeding two different supply pressures is also possible. In that case the O-ring is extended by a sealing plate (RF 19-01). Should they be separated at a point, where no point of separation is available, the pressure separation (RF 19-DT) should be assembled. The different pressures are fed from different sides.


When screwing in, the threaded rod comes into contact with the inclined surface of the bolt. As a result, the plates are pulled together, the O-rings seal the point of separation. If two points of separation with O-rings come into contact with each other, the sealing function is already in place. On disassembling, all the components can be reused.

Scope of delivery:

All single discs are delivered complete with seals, valve fixations and assembly bolts, a separate order is not necessary.


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Sistemi osnovnih plošc, za serijo KM:
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Preprosto naročite za vikend do nedelje ob 15. uri (ali če je v ponedeljek praznik do ponedeljka ob 15. uri) in prejmite blago v Nemčiji prek GLS-a naslednji delovni dan pred 12. uro (stroški: 5%, min. 30,00 &euro).